Marie C. Baranowski

Marie C. (Collett) Baranowski, of Attleboro, formerly of Milton, died Wednesday January 13, 2021.
Born in Quincy and raised in Milton, Marie was a graduate of Milton High School. She was a retired clerk at Financial Publishing Company. Marie greatly enjoyed family gatherings, especially at the Cottage at Big Sandy Pond, bingo with friends, loved to socialize with family and friends and loved seeing all her nieces and nephews and being able to see their children.
Beloved wife of the late Brian J. Baranowski. Loving daughter of Alicia M. (McHugh) Collett and the late Robert C. Collett. Sister of Robert C. Collett Jr, John Collett, Elizabeth C. MacElhaney, Diana Littleton and the late Donna Ross.
A private family funeral service will be followed by interment in Milton Cemetery.
Guestbook Entries
I am so sorry to hear of Marie’s sudden passing. I was a former employee who took care of her and spent much time having conversations about her family or watching tv on my down time. So sorry for your loss!!
I write this with a tear in my eye. My baby sister was a loving, happy and very social person. She had battled a very tough disease with courage and always with a positive attitude. Never did she complain about the bad cards she was dealt in life and you would always see her with a smile on face. I remember the many times sitting with her at the family cottage just talking as she love to. I will miss her dearly and know she is in a better place now. I love you Marie and know you knew it but will not make it easier saying good bye. Your big brother Bob.❤️
Auntie Re-Re! I cannot believe you are gone. I will always remember our times together watching our favorite tv shows when I was younger…from General Hospital to our personal favorite Beverly Hills 90210! Some people might not know but we lived with Pop and Grandma for a short period of time and every Wednesday night you would watch 90210 with me and it was something I looked forward to so much! You were like a big sister/friend to me even though you had the title of my Aunt! I want everyone to know how much you loved your family and especially your nieces and nephews…I will never forget you ❤️
Love, Gabe
I will miss Marie everyday!! She was the kindest most resilient person best outlook even with her challenges she had to endure. I love you my baby sister and will miss all our talks!!!!❤️❤️❤️❤️
My heart breaks for you all during this extremely difficult time. Marie was always so sweet and friendly to me when I would see her at your family gatherings <3 may she rest in the sweetest of peace. sending love and thinking of you all.
Gabe’s BFF – Aud
So sorry for your families loss. Wish I could be there to give a hug to all.
I love you Marie! I will miss your smile and constant chatter. You will always be my baby and will always be in my heart.
Re Re it is hard to put into words how much you meant not only to me but to our family. You were always the “Cool Aunt” that we always wanted to be around. You opened to my eyes to my love of game shows, Patrick Swayze, and Musicals. You were always someone we could talk to and know we weren’t judged. I will cherish all our memories and look back at all our photos and smile because we always had the best times together. I am so sad that Ellie didn’t get to meet you in person, but so glad for our facetime calls ♡ I love you and know you will be watching over us with the rest of our angels up there in heaven.
I love you always,
Ashley Elizabeth
Will miss you Marie!! I’m so sorry for your loss Auntie and your family!! Rest In Peace. Love Patty ❤️😔
Very sorry to hear the news about Marie. Always will have fond memories of her. She was always very nice to me and you would always see her laughing or with a big smile on her face any time we were down the cottage. RIP. PS, she sure loved her big brother Bob! Sorry to Uncle Bob and the whole Collett family.
I will miss my baby sister always. I will alway remember dropping her bottle and falling down the stairs with her. She has always remained my baby sister in so many ways. Marie loved being the baby of the family. She was always kind and giving to others. Marie was never a complainer even with all her challenges. She had the ability to talk to anyone. I may not have seen her often lately but I see her kindness in my grandchildren. Love you forever Re
So sorry for your loss. Marie was a wonderful woman and I had the pleasure to work with. Prayers to the Collett family. Rest In Peace Marie, love, Paul.
I am very sorry for your loss. Marie was an amazing person who always made you feel welcomed.
She will be missed.
Love to all.
So sorry, to all of Marie’s friends and family. I have so many fond memories of sitting and chatting with her (mostly listening!) and always always with a smile on her face, no matter what her challenges in life were. She had the best family and I’m sure she knew how much she was loved. Love to all of you, Michele (always Diana’s- and Clem’s too!- college roommate and lifelong friend). Xoxo
So very sorry to learn of the passing of my cousin Marie. Marie was always so happy go lucky when ever she was around and with all that she endured over these last few years or so. I will always remember her and Brian on the show The Price is Right and Brian winning the Jeep. I watch that show every weekday and whenever anyone wins a car I think of both of them! May she Rest in the Sweetest of Peace Until we meet again, love you Marie.
My deepest condolences to your family. I am deeply saddened by the loss of Marie. She was and always will be a part of my summer memories on Big Sandy pond.
So sorry to hear of Marie’s passing. She loved her family and always told wonderful stories of them. May she rest in peace and God Bless Marie. My deepest condolences, Janet
My dearest sweet Marie
It’s with a heavy heart to write these words…..
You are my closest, dearest best friend for 49 plus years. We grew up across the street from each other and since 1st grade we were soul sisters from day one. I will never have another friend like you Marie (Oprah and Gayle got nothing on us!). I am and will always be your #1 fan.
We shared everything growing up from clothes, our families, secrets, our love of music and more. We spent hours upon hours singing to 8 tracks and dancing in your living room (Bay City Rollers, Boz Scaggs, Three Dog Night and the Beach Boys to name a few). We watched every Frankie Avalon / Annette Funicello movie, every Elvis movie and that silly creature double feature on weekends. I’ll never forget when The Sound of Music came to our little East Milton Square theater and we must have seen it a hundred times and never grew tired of it. We tanned ourselves on the dock at the cape, water skied and chased boys a little (sorry Momma “C”). With my paper route money, I was her candy connection at Carrigan’s corner. And as teenagers, Marie’s love of the soaps (i.e., GH and One life to live) got me hooked as well. I wasn’t allowed to watch TV but that didn’t stop me from doing it at Maries across the street.
Marie married a man who adored her and she was blessed in her marriage. I love my memories of the two of them visiting me in Florida or me hanging in the infamous basement on Adams street. Brian shared the same love of music and musicals and we would stay up till the wee hours of the morning playing music and singing to our favorites.
Marie has made me a stronger person and has made a permanent impact on my life that I will cherish. I am a better person for having known her. What a legacy she has left with her positivity with all she has endured. I’m honored to have been her friend.
Marie-have a great journey up there in heaven honey. I’m sure we’ll meet again. I love you, friends forever. To the Collett family my deepest heartfelt sympathy.